Thursday, March 24, 2011

toshiba satelite

after a few months..
living without myown lappy..
now..i found mynew lappy...
mynew soulmate..hope..u n i can last longer..

doumo chuayae!!!~~..
thanx to mymum..ibu..saranghaeeee..hehe

Sunday, March 13, 2011

kamu insan yg hebat..percayalah!!!

Iye..kamu la insan yg hebat itu..
kamu..diantara yg berpuluh,beratus,beribu,berjuta or berbilion n million..
kamu telah dipilIh oleh ALLAH swt..
utk diuji pada tika n saat ini...
kamu mesti bertanya.."kenapa ujian seberat ini..???"
"..ALLAH tak membebani seseorg itu melainkan sesuai dgn kesggupannya...."<al-baqarah 286>
"..jgnlah kamu bersikp lemah dan jgnlah kamu bersedih hati,padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tggi darjatnya,jika kamu org2 yg beriman.."<ali-Imran 139>
kecundangnya kamu pada hari ini tidak bermakna kamu sudah kalah..
n..xbermakna mereka yg laen itu akn menang selamanya..
hidup ini ibarat roda..sekejap kita dibwh..n sekejap kita diatas..
n yg diatas xkn akn selamanya berada diatas..n dibwh xkn selamanya dibwh..
mungkin hari ini..kamu insan terpilih..
tp mungkin esok atau lusa..tibe mse utk adila pulak..
adila percaya..kamu nie insan yg kuat..
n kamu insan yg hebat....
n adila percaya..kamu mampu harungi sume nie..
n kuatkn semangat...
jgn!!!jgn sesekali putus asa dengn usaha kamu..
n jgn sesekali..putus asa dgn nikmat ALLAH..
mintala..mintalah pada DIA...
sesungguhnya..DIA maha mendengar..
ingat wahai sahabatku..
doa kami untuk kamu sentiasa dihujung lidah kami..
insyaALLAH..dengan izin ALLAH..
kita semua..akan terus bersama2 ke thun 4..n thun seterusnya..
n kita akan berdiri di stage yg same during graduation day 2013 nnt..
2gether we achieve more!!!~~..
mungkin..kamu xpernah dgr adila ckp cmnie dpn kamu..
sebab adila xpernah seskema cmnie..hahahaha
tp ketahui la..
adila sygkan kamu.....^-^
gdluck..n all da best..
wish..u n i..can be a gud doctor in future..
p/s:coretan ini untuk insan yg namanya hampir sama dengan nama adila...hehe

Thursday, March 10, 2011

hari keempat dan terakhirnya....

tamat....dan selesai...
n masih mampu bernafas lg..pada tika dan saat ini..huhuhu..
arini...clinical examination..
alhamdulillah..dpt case yg biase jmpe kt ward..
1st case..dpt normal pregnancy.. clinical skill a bit messy here n there..n i shud improve a lot lg..
then..2nd case dpt obstructive jaundice wif a palpable mass at the epigastric area...
syukur sgt...dpt case yg nk diagnose pon ade sign dpn mate..
xde la..merepek2 je bgtaw patient tue skit ape..
n dpt examiner pon ok... anounce..
student yg dlm viva list..
means student tue either borderline utk pass or borderline utk dpt distinction student..
mse tue jntung nk terkeluar dh...
takot sgt..takot nme "ADILA ALBAR..BM08110030"..
kne pggil utk viva tue..
syukur...alhamdulillah..xde nme sy dipggl..
xpela xdpt distinction pon..aslkn klu dpt lulus pon..dh sgt bersyukur dh..
esok harinya..result akan keluar..
ape pon yg akan jd...adila berserah..n tawakal..
sesungguhnya ALLAH tahu ape yg terbaik untuk hamba NYA ini..
semoga...81 org kesemuanya lulus..AMIN!!~..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

hari ketiga pro exam 1

arini..exam OSCE..kt hospital queen elizabeth..
hmm.. pg2 lg dh kne mrh...
doctor dok mrh kt bdk2 yg dtg lmbt ..
mrh lak tue bkn biase2 nye mrh..
jerit2 xperlu je plak..
nk melatih doctor je kot..bkn nye askar..
perlu ke jerit2 smpi ank tekak nk xperlu je kn...huhu
hmmm..exam arini...
o.k but k.o...
ok sbb..alhamdullilah dpt jwb..ade yg blurr2 gak tp insyaALLAH la sume tue..
tp terkilan sgt2..kt 1perkara...
adila sedih..
bkn aku nk mempertikaikn penyakit yg ALLAH dh bg kt aku nie...
malah aku redha..dlm byk2 org..aku org yg terpilih dpt penyakit nie..
<rsenye rmai jgk org ade penyakit nie..>
iaitu palmar hyperhidrosis..
it is a excessive sweating of palm of hands..
n will be exaggerated by environment n emotional..
adila msti la xleh nk control emotion..
so..myhand is severely sweating..
then..smpi kt station untuk buat demonstration of pap smear...
kne la pkai glove dulu b4 perform that procedure...
hmmm..unfortunately..keadaan xmenyebelahi aku..
disebabkn tapak tgn yg sweating nie..i had difficulty nk pkai glove..
cubaan pertama utk tgn kanan nk pkai untk tgn kiri xlepas lak..
punye la cube..ngn mengigil nervous ag..
dh la mse tue ade external examiner ngh tengok cmne aku buat..
msti dlm ati die pkir aku nie xreti pkai glove ke..??????
i really took a long time nk pkai glove tue..
smpi examiner ckp.."nevermind..u waste ur time like that......."
hmmmmm....adila bkn xreti pkai glove!!!!adila reti!!!
tp sbb i had palmar hyperhidrosis...
wahai external examiner..awk taw x..???sy ade sakit bkn xreti.....................
adakah kamu nk kurangkn markah sy sebab sy xdpt pkai glove tue????????
ya ALLAH...tolong la hamba mu nie ya ALLAH..
lembutkan la hati examiner itu..smoga die phm masalah aku nie ...
sesungguhnya...ALLAH la pemegang hati2 manusia..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

hari kedua pro exam 1..

venipuncture ke acupunture!!!!
nie la kesilapan terbesar aku buat mse jwab OSPE td..
cmne la adila bleh buat clinical importance for cubital fossa is site for acupunture..
hmmm...soalan yg direct cm2 pon adila bleh careless...
x termsuk soalan2 yg laen ag tue.. unpredictable!!!
byk n terlalu byk soalan keluar dari topic2 1st year..
n yg pasti mmg xigt dh sume tue...n xsangka pulak akn keluar..
dh la sgt unlucky ble start je exam dpt station soalan pharmacology..
pergghh..mne la expect kne kire dose regimen ubat tue..
mse tue..dh panic dh..nk kire cmne la kn..
then station ke2 dpt pharmaco lg..hmmm...senyum kelat je..
buat kepale semakin down..down to the ground..
n xmampu nk dongak ke langit pon...
sedih ngn diri sendiri jgk....
tp..tetap kne teruskan....
adila kne jd doctor!!!doctor yg kuat...
bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallah laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah....

Monday, March 7, 2011

hari pertama pro exam 1

9am-11am: paper 1 MCQ
dem..soklan 1st,2nd n ntah smpi bape dh starting dgn soaln biochemistry.
perggghhh..ternganga jap..
proceed lg..
pergghh..gler mengelirukn statement die..
jap2 soaln die jwpan die lak xphm..huhuhu..
dh la bkn kne pilih 1 jawapan yg btol je..
kne jwb sume jwpn dr A smpi E 2 either true or false..
60 soalan..300 kne jwb..
yg pasti aku jwb brape je kot..
hmmm...hold..hold adila..
sabar...kte tgk paper 2 nnt...hmmmmm...

12pm-1.40pm;paper 2 MEQ
selak 2nd page lak.huh??????
nxt la...
nxt..nxt..nxt...n nxt...
nie soalan ape nie???????????????????
gler susah weiiii...................
nk hentam ape pon xtaw sgt nie..nie fact..fact mne leh ske2 nk goreng..
yaALLAH..mse tue rse cm nk nangeh dh..
ALLAH je taw ape dlm ati mse tue..
gler la..mmg PROFESSIONAL EXAM btol!!!!!
papepon..try jgk jwb..n try sedaya upaya xleave it blank...

2.30-4.00pm:paper 3 LEQ
Soalan 1st..DKA..
alhamdulillah..ade bce gler2 smalm..
tp ade gk yg xdpt jwb..ade plak tibe2 tnye structure insulin..xpnh lak aku tgk rupe mnde 2..
then soalan 2nd..angina pectoris..
hmm..ok..goreng skit2..
soalan 3rd..i choose cholera..
ok..naseb baek essay question nie soalan die mostly ade bce..
lega ckit hati..

4.00pm until now..
duduk kt meja study..dok terigt paper td..
hmm..i did mybest oredy...i guess la..
hope ALLAH swt melembut kn hati sume examiner yg tnda kertas aku nnt..
yakin!!!ALLAH itu pemegang hati2 manusia..
adila dh buat terbaik..skang mse utk berserah n tawakal je..
hope..esok dpt menjwb dgn tenang dan dipermudahkn segala nya..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

professional exam 1..

esok la harinya..
kami..all 3rd year medical student UMS..
akan berjuang..sehabisnye..
setelah 3thun berhempas pulas..tunggang terbalik..
n 2morow will be da day..
for us to be tested weither we r suit to be in dis field or not....
xctually..ade 2 professional exam..but dis time more focus on theory..
5th year nnt..exam lg..mse tue theory+clinical..
klu nk ckp x..tipula kn..
setiap kali bgun tdo..msti akn pegang jantung...
pergghhh..berdebar2 je rse..menghitung hari..
tp slalu terigt pesanan kwn2..
"knape kte msti tkot nk exam??yakinla sesungguhnya ALLAH sentiasa bersama2 dgn kte.."
"klu kte dh yakin..tetapkn hati kte..yakin la pd ALLAH..sesungguhnya ALLAH sentiase mendengar doa2 hamba-NYA yg meminta pada NYA..
adila dpt melangkah ke dewan peperiksaan dgn hati yg tenang..
n dipermudahkn utk menjwb sume soalan..
adila dh berusaha..
yakinlah..segala usaha tue insyaALLAH ade ganjarannye..
walau ape pon yg terjadi..
igtla.."sabar itu redha itu lebih baik....."
81org bersama2 diesok hari..n harap2 juga 81org juga bersama2 ke thun 4 n grad bersama2 kelak..

all 3rd year during hari raya celebration

ma'a taufiq wan najah!!~~..^-^

Thursday, March 3, 2011


sejuknye mlm nie..
tibe2..pegi kt almari bju..
pilih2 nk pkai swther ape..
tibe..tgn nie gtl lak amek swthr ku yg merah menyala itu..
mywinter swthr dat i bought mse nk naek gunung kinabalu dulu..
pergghhh..mengibau kmbali saat2 kesejukn x terkata diatas puncak sane..hehehe
bile pkir2 blik...
msti akn tersenyum..sbb xsngka dpt smpi puncak 2..

leypak jap kepenatan...

adila yg pallor n almost cyanosis kesejukn kt c2..huhu

then..tbe2 rse...
nk nek lg x???hahahaha
cm best je naek lg kn..but dis tyme xnk g summit...
nk g via ferrata..
dgr cter via ferata kt mount kinabalu is the highest in the world..

via ferrata

tuuuuuu dia..klu dpt g  xke best gler 2 kn..
tp cost die seharusnya la sgt mhl..
hurrmm..i'll think abot it....
ape2 pon..
selagi ade hayatku dibumi sabah nie..
i want to explore more n more...
dulu slalu pkir..bkn senang nk g sabah nie.
haa..skang..dhd pt duk 5 tahun kt cni..
so nk gne sebaek2 nye peluang nie..
snorkelling dh...climbing mountain dh..
hmmm..nxt plan nk try..
WATER RAFTING plakkkkk....

ade spe2 nk ikottt??????hehehe

p/s:lg 3ari nk exam..otak mcm xberapa stabil..hahaha..papepon..CHAIYOK2!!~~

Monday, February 28, 2011

pandang ke langit..seolah2 seperti melihat kamu..

Sorry, I never told you, all I wanted to say.
Now it's too late to hold you. '
Cause you've flown away, so far away.
 Never, had I imagined,
 living without your smile.
Feelin' and knowing you hear me.
It keeps me alive.
 And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven,
Like so many friends we've lost along the way,
And I know eventually we'll be together.....
 I never showed you.
Assumed you'd always be there.
I took your presence for granted.
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared.
 Although, the sun will never shine the same, I'll
always look to a brighter day.
ALLAH, I know, when I lay me down to sleep,
You'll always listen, as I pray!

pandang ke langit....
tgk,lihat n perhatikan..kosong je...
tibe2..hati nie terusik lg..
setelah sekian lame.....xmerasakn perasaan nie..
seperti lihat kamu diatas sane...
bahagia or derita kah disana????????
then tibe2 dgr lgu nie kt lappy..

Another day has gone, I'm still all alone

How could this be you're not here with me
You never said goodbye, someone tell me why
Did you have to go and leave my world so cold?

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says

That you are not alone, for I am here with you
Though you're far away, I am here to stay
But you are not alone, for I am here with you
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
But you are not alone

Just the other night, I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come and hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand then forever can begin

Oh whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And I, and girl you know that I'll be there, I'll be there

You are not alone, for I am here with you
Though you're far away, I am here to stay
You are not alone, for I am here with you
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart...

kte seolah2 sedang bercommunicate..thru dis song..
tp..kite berada didunia yg berbeza...
dengar..n hayati...
yupe..u always be here wif me..
even i cannot see u...
but i know u r here..looking at me..
hope..u can see me smilling..
i still keep on smilling..even myheart still hurt so much..
if u ask i happy now..??
i will answer..
yesterday,today,tomorow n forever..i will living happily..
knowing dat we are not apart anymore..rite?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

alangkah indahnya.....

alankah indahnya..
klu skang nie ade kt RUMAH dah..
mesti skang nie ngah
dok mkn goreng pisang sambil gossip2 ngn ibu..
xpon..bwk isha g maen kt playground..
xpon..dok dpn tv mengadap cter indon..
xpon..lepak2 ngn member2 skola lme
xpon..masih kt mall masih pkir2 perlu ke blik umah skang?hehe
xpon..still tdo..
bahagianye klu dh blik..
tp skang..ape yg aku wat..
bukak buku...smbil memandang jaoh ke luar tingkap...
kira..kira hari untuk blik..
dh 6bulan xblik..
agk2 nye klcc 2 dh tmbh 1 tngkt x?haha
saya nk blik!!!!mau!!!mau!!!mau!!!
xmau ambik exam boleh x????????????????
xboleh???fine.........huhuhu<bertindak mengikut arahan...>

sukar difahami...

sad..sad..sad..sad..tonite.. knows..nam molla..
ssh la nk ckp ngan manusia nie..
kte ckp A..die phm B..
kte ckp B..die ckp psl A plak..
hmm...xkn la nk kne terang..1 demi 1..
kupas 1 demi 1..mcm kupas bawang..
we r talking in the same language kn?
n we r now living at the same place..which is BUMI..MALAYSIA..
IS IT????????????
so..apela..apela mslh kte nie??hmmmm....
kte nie ibarat...
plat2..kt bwh kerak bumi nie yg keep on moving..
but nobody notice dat it is moving..n it keep move away from each other..
but when the time has wil explode!!!
adila..pendam je..
tp..adila nie manusia biase..
i got my threshold level gk..
when the tyme has come..i also will explode..
adila xske ckp mnde twice..die xske mrh2 byk kali..xske ckp xske..xnk or jgnla wat cm2..byk2 kali
sbb adila pon nk jge hati org..
tp hati adila spe nk jge..????
jge sndri la kn..haa..mmg sgt kesian...
adila XMINTA utk difahami sepenuhnya tp MENGHARAPKAN utk difahami..

Monday, February 14, 2011

*외톨이야 /I'm a Loner/Alone*

oetoriya oetoriya
oetoriya oetoriya)
bwabwa nareul bwabwa ttokbaro nae du nuneul bwa
geobwa imi neoneun ddan goseul bogo isseo
check it one two three sigyebaneulman chyeoda boneun gae
mal an haedo dareun saram saenggingeol ara

yojeum neon na anin dareun saramgwa mannami jatdeora
ijeneun meonjeo jeonhwado geolji andeora
narang isseul ttaeneun haruga 1chorado neon nae apeseo yojeum haneulman bodeora
Oh~ I know your mind imi neowa naui geori
meoreojin geurigo beoreojin namboda motan uri sai

# oh baby oetoriya oetoriya ddaribiriddaradu~ oetoriya oetoriya ddaribiriddaradu~
oetoriya oetoriya sarange seulpeohago sarange nunmuljitneun oetori
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight gaseumi apa
Oh no no no no no body knows mam molla
one two three four five six seven night su manheun bameul seumyeo nareul dallaego isseo

charari dareun saram saenggyeotdago naega sirheumyeon sirtago
charari soljikhage malhaejwotdamyeon nan neoreul jukdorok miwohajin anhasseul tende
check it one two three ne mareul doesaegyeo bwado irijeori dulleodaeneun geojitmariya

# Repeat
sarangi gane sarangi ddeonane
(han sarameul geurigo han sarangeul naegeneun iksukhaetdeon modeun geotdeureul)
i bami gamyeon neol jiwoyagetji
(geurae na eokjirorado neoreul jiwoyagetji nal beorin neol saenggakhamyeon geuraeyagetji)
(Gone Gone my love is gone)
oetoriya oetoriya daridiridara du~ oetoriya oetoriya ddaribiriddaradu~
oetoriya oetoriya sarange apahago sarangeul gidarineun oetori
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight kkum igil wonhae
Oh no no no no no body knows nal molla
one two three four five six seven night su manheun bameul seumyeo nunmul heulligo isseo

(I'm a loner. I'm a loner.
I'm a loner. I'm a loner.)

Look, look at me, me. Look at me straight in the eyes.
Look, you are already look at elsewhere.
Check it one two three, you only keep looking at the clock.
You don't have to tell me. I know you got someone else.

You've been meeting someone else often lately.
You don't even call me first anymore.
When you are with me, you would only look at the sky even if a day is a second long.
Oh~ I know your mind. The distance between you and I.
Getting farther and wider. We are no better than strangers.

# oh baby I'm a loner, I'm a loner. daridiridara du~ I'm a loner. I'm a loner. daridiridara du~
I'm a loner, I'm a loner. I'm a loner being sad at love, shedding tear at love. sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight. My hurt hurts.
Oh no no no no no body knows, how I feel.
one two three four five six seven night, I'm cheering up myself passing many nights awake.

(Rap) If you had just told me honestly
that you got someone else. That you hate me.
Then I wouldn't have hated you to death.
check it one two three. Remembering your words, they are all silly lies.

# Repeat

Love is going. Love is leaving.
(One person and one love. Everything that I've been used to)
I should erase you after tonight.
(Yes, I should force myself to erase you. I should do so since you abandoned me)
(Gone Gone my love is gone)

I'm a loner, I'm a loner. daridiridara du~ I'm a loner, I'm a loner. daridiridara du~
I'm a loner, I'm a loner. I'm a loner hurt by love and waiting for love.
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight, I want this to be a dream.
Oh no no no no no body knows, no body knows me.
one two three four five six seven night, I'm crying passing many nights awake.

just love dis song currently..
yonghwa oppa..sarangahayeo~..^-^

Sunday, February 13, 2011

oucchh..its bleeding..

yupe..its hurt me babe..
more..more n more i bleed..
deep inside..
how cn i tell u dat it is hurt..
n how can i act..
so dat u know it hurting me..
n getting deeper..
i never told u dat i am in pain..
yeah..dat is myproblem.
i never say it..n u never know..
is it difficult to know huh??????????????please la..
xkn sume nk kne bgtaw..
u said.."no.."
but it is!!..clearly is..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

luv u~..

i said.."luv u..."
replied.."luv u.."
wuahaaaaa..hepy gler dgr..^-^
sbb perkataan tue keluar dr mulut..
ADRIANA DELISHA empunya diri..
omoo..besar sudah ank buah kesygn ku nie..

dh pndi berkate2..n sgt bijak..
bru 2thun...she able to count up to 10..even ade la tunggang terbaliknye..
n kelakar nye die pggl org pon tunggang terbalik..
atok die pggl akok..
mak ngah die pggl ngah ma..
but she can called me makcu!!~~..<aigoo2..^-^>

isha ngah bce buku..gler rjin kn?hehe

1st word yg kluar dr mulut isha is "abah.."
so mybrother tersgt la proud ble ank die mcm obsess je ngn die dok sbut abh je..<tlg la prasaan kot..>
isha pndi nyanyi lgu barney..
"i luv u..u luv me...~~"
n lgu dangdut "asyik.."
gler la..spe ntah ajr bdk kcik nie nyanyi..siap goyang2 bdn ag tue..
n..last tyme when i was in kl..
i taught her to dance "sorry2 dance" from suju..
pergghhh..start je lgu tue isha trus menari.
pndi gler la bdk nie...
xsbr nk jmpe die..n tersgt la rindu kt die...
n skang..hobby bru isha adela amek gmbr..
pegang jela camera..n soh die posing..mmg cair la die..hehe

isha mse mule2 lahir..

isha mse umur 1thun..
n now.....

haaa..selaen isha..
aku pon tersgt la rindu nk jmpe org bru dlm family ku nie..
AYRA SURFYNA empunya diri..
4bulan sudah die..
tp xpnh jmpe die..sedih je..
tp sume org ckp die sgt2 bambam..
msti comey nk blik..

rara mse kt  ICU lepas lahir..

rara mse umur 3bulan..

n..i really looking forward dgn kehadiran org bru lg dlm family ku..
isha nk dpt adik!!!!..
cemerlang la mybro..hahahaha
nnt rmai la knk2 belarian dirumah ku.
omooo..bestnye suasana nie..heeee~~..

adriana delisha n ayra surfyna

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

pagi2 lagi...

pagi2..seawal 6.45pg
dh senyum..n gelak ketawa..
sbb ape senyum?
sbb ape ketawa?
sbb sy suka!!!~~..hahaha
kn best klu ari2 mcm nie..
if u ask me am i hepy?yes i do...
p/s:sy ske chipsmore yg xbyk chips!!ske yg ade 1chip je..=p

Saturday, February 5, 2011

i did it!!!! -030211

bile pkir2..rse mcm xpercye pon ade..
dgn susah dan payahnye..
aku dpt..dpt..dpt..naek
n sampai ke puncak gunung kinabalu..
ibarat seperti berjalan di jalan yg tiade penghujung nye..
jalan dan trun berjalan..
sekejap menurun..pastu menaik..
pnjat batu2..tgge..jalan dlm utan..

pastu semakin lme semakin kurang..
ade yg terlebih laju..
ade yg terlambat ckit..
dipertengahan jalan..hujan pulaktue..
menggigil kesejukan..
tp perjalanan harus diteruskan..
seramai 21org yg menyertai ekspedisi mendaki gunung kinabalu nie..

kami start our journey from mesilau gate..
jrak tmpt nie ke laban rata adalah 8km..
n lebih jaoh dr gate timpohon sebyk 2km..
even perjalanan sgt jaoh..
tp pemandagn tersgtla cntik..
sgt kagum dgn ciptaan illahi..
ade pelbgai flora n fauna yg sgt cntik...
start journey at 11am...our guide ckp we must atleast 1km per hour..
n shud reach laban rata b4 9pm..
n alhamdulillah..
i reach laban rata at 7pm..mase 2 dh gelap dh..
dh penat sgt..n xlarat dh nk jln..bygkan la berjalan selama 8jam
n berhenti hnye dlm 5minit kt certain pit stop..then sambung jln lg..
penat tuhan je yg taw..kaki sume dh sakit..
tp memikirkan..dh jaoh aku berjalan xkn nk give teruskan jgk..
ble smpi 2..perghhh..sjuk bai..
suhu kt laban rata 9celcius...sjuk gler..
laban rata nie tmpt kami bermalam..

kt sini ade hotel..emm..hotel la jgk kirenye nie...
ade la semua kelengkapan..tmpt tdo n sume2..
mknan buffet pon disediakan n sedap la gk..hehe
then..after tdo..dlm pkul 3pg..
kami truskan perjalanan utk naek kepuncak..
haa..pnjt lg..
nk nageh dh mse nie..sbb btol2 xlrt..
mse tue dh pkir..ape aku buat nie..npe la aku seksa diri mcm nie..
mcm2 la pkir mse jln nie..
tp ble pkir psl ibu,ayh n harapan kwn2..truskan jgk jln..
pastu smpi kt certain area kne start naek gne tali..
pergghh..takot gler..jln die curam sgt..
klu terlepas tali..hmm..xtaw la jd ape..
tp naeb ade p.cik guide..die yg pimpin aku naek..
thanx p.cik..!!

then smpi ke kwasan batu2 rata..
mmg la rata tp kne mendaki..means jalan menaik..
n sgt n teramat penat..
bile makin tggi kte naek..oxygen semakin nipis..
so i feel like gasping  4 air..
mcm hypoxia pon ade..
pastu tibe2 angin sgt la kuat...
mse tu jln pon mcm tertolak ketepi..kuat sgt angin..
air idung keep on meleleh..kulit jd sgt kering..bibir pon dry sgt..
perghhh..mmg suffer jgk..dh la gelap..
jalan pon terhuyu-hayang..
tp dr jaoh dh nmpk dh punck2 gunung..dh mula tersenyum..
jln..jln n trus jln..
ahirnya smpi gk kt bwh low peak tue.. dat tyme i think i had reach mylimit..
i realy feel tired..n like dying...
i just wanna to giving up..
coz so damn tired..n really cannot go on anymore..

but then myfren said.."u had walk this far..then u just wanna giving up now?a few steps ag..."
dgr je mnde tue..aku pon kuat kn smangt....
pnjt..pnj..n pnjt..akhirnya..
syukur alhamdulillah..i DID it..
i had reach at low peak of mt kinabalu..!!!!

tepat kinabalu telah ku tawan..hehe
perasaan?nk nangeh pon ade..terharu sgt..
mcm xpercye..aku berdri diats gunung tertiggi di asia tenggara...
cntik sgt...rse mcm awan tue dkt je..
tp sjuk nye yg amt la kt ats tue..
-1 celcius beb..mengigil2..dh pkai swether tebal pon trketar2 ag kesejukan..

thn ble nk trun 1 hal pulak..
mse naek tue tgh gelap..xnmpk keliling..
ble nk trun..masyaallah...
tgginye..curam kot..jln yg gne tali td tue..gler curam..
mse tue lutut menggigil nk trun..sbb nmpkkot kt bwh..
mule la pkir klu la terlepas tali tue ape jd kt aku?smpt ke msuk ospitl..
haa..mcm2 ar pkir..
mse tue dh mule la rse aku wat keje gler..hahaha
tp tabahkn hati..kuatkn smngt..
trun je..pegang tali tu kuat2..n buat2 xnmpk bwh..huhu..
akhirnya smpi di laban rata semula..packing brg n check out..
then..start journey trun bwh balik at 11am..
i safely arrived kt kinabalu park at 3.30..
mse tue muscle sume dh tear..lutut dh longgar..
jln pon dh mcm org ape..hehe..
tp yg penting aku puas ati teramat sgt..
penat tp pengalaman nie xkn dpt dibeli dimane2..
alamdulillah..dengan izin ALLAH...
aku dpt selamat pergi dan balik..
pasni sijil yg dapat mendaki nie nk frame..nk tunjuk kt ank,cucu,cicit sume..hahahaha..
dlm nk buat sesutu..kte kne ade determination yg kuat..
if we really wanna do it..we will achieve it as long as we had strong determination!!..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

exam+kk+gunung kinabalu

xabeh2 exam..
boleh x nk ckp busan btol ngn perkataan exam nie..haha
tp nk xnk kne gk la amek exam..
pas exam end posting nie..
ade exam yg lh besar menanti..
iaitu professional exam 1..
exam yg merangkupi sume yg dipelajari from 1st year smpi 3rd year
pergghhh..mane x hydrocephalus myhead..
nk kne revise blik ape yg blaja dr 1st year..
segala anatomy,biochem, pathophysio sume..
pas abeh exam end posting nie..
all of us akn blik ke kk blik..
hmmm..sedih nye rse..
rse mcm xpuas ag dok kt sandakan nie.. 
best sgt kt cni..
rse mcm berade kt tmpt sndiri sbb org sini sume baek2..
mcm patient2 kt sepital 2..sgt la ramah n cooperative.. die pon best..
all the doctors,nurses sume very helpful..
bleh ke dpt mcm nie gk kt kk nnt..
hmm...nk je request kt dean..
nk buat clinical year smpi 5 year kt cni..hehe
ye..believe it or not..
im gonna hiking that mountain..
can i???
hehehe..rse cm klaka gk..bleh ke smpi punck??
tp xkire nk jgk..!!!haha
dpt or x..blakang cerita.yg penting adila akan berusaha smpi ke punck itu..
1hb febuary akn melakar sejarah itu..hahaha
doakn sy dpt sampai ke puncak n dengan selamt nye!!!!~~~

mt. kinabalu..tggu sy akan tawan anda!!..haha^^

Sunday, January 16, 2011

nothing impossible..

today..i had learned a lot....
really can see dat life as a doctor..
 will always deal with people's life..
mau atau x..takot atau x..semua tu kte kne hadapi.
cuak,cemas,blurr n sgt xtaw nk buat ape ble berhadapan dgn situasi yg memerlukan kte berusaha utk meyelamtkn 1 nyawa..
apatah lg nyawa seorg insan yg baru saje lahir ke dunia nie..
ye..kte bukan ALLAH..yg boleh menghidup dan mematikan org..
tp..kte wajib..WAJIB..!!!
berusaha sedaya upaya utk menyelamatkan nyawa tue..
berjaya atau x..belakang cerita.
yg penting kte dh berusaha...
harinie pegi hospital mcm biase..<even on sunday ye>
after we had mock exam.
tibe2 rse nk masuk ke labour room..
msuk je tgk ade sorg mama yg dh nk deliver dh..
tibe2 staff nurse offer nk conduct delivery nie x..
then i ask..ank ke berapa punye..
then she answer it is primigavida<ank 1st>
hmm..takotnye nk conduct mama primi..
lgpon medical student mmg xdibenarkn conduct primi baby..
sbb takot nnt ade complication or mama's perinuem tear sgt truk..
tp klu xcube skang bile lg..
lgpon insyaALLAH klu buat berhati2..xde complication kot..
pastu trus kate nk kt stff nurse tue n trus pkai glove..
xsmpt pon nk pkai mask n apron..
naseb ade nani..die la yg tlong assist pkai kn..
mase tue pon mama tu dh nk beranak sgt dh..
then..nurse igtkn byk kali support btol2 mama punye perineum..nnt tear..
aku pn put effort gler2 la xnk kasi tear..
emm..benda yg paling menakotkn ble conduct delivery nie selain dr peniuem tear ialah
baby out not cying..sgt menakotkan weiii..
n it really happen to me!!...
my baby out without crying..n a bit bluish..
all my body shivering at dat tyme..muke cuak..blurr..
takot nye tuhan saje yg taw..
then nurse trus angkat baby tue n bwk pegi another room..
then me stay kt situ utk proceed 3rd stage of labour which is i need to pull out the placenta from mother's womb..
mse tue dlm hati doa byk2 hope baby tue xpape..
then nurse dtg...die kate baby tue xpape dh..
die dh nangis!!..n dh letak oxygen box kt die..
ya ALLAH...rse nk kneel down mse tue..syukur sgt baby tue xpape..
n nurse check mama's perinuem xde tear lnsg..
ya ALLAH..syukur lagi..mama xpape n baby pon ok..
thumbs up to adila..cewahhh..hehe..
lega sgt..then g la cuci instrument..
skali yg nani conduct pon out without crying..
ok..another terrified thing happen..
but dis tym more worse..
not only 5 min,10 min or setengah jam or 1jam..
the baby really not crying..but she still alive..
her heart was beating but there is no breath from her nose..n not crying at all...
baby seem like gasping for air..
doctor..lari sini sana..
we all yg ade kt situ pon tolong la ape yg patut..
kagum btol tgk doctor paedatric tue..
she was really calm n can give instruction kt kteorg dgn sgt cool kne buat ape..
but at the same tyme..patient yang baru beranaksebelah mypatient's bed tibe2 ade retain placenta..
means..placenta die cannot pull out from womb n need to undergo surgery..
kelam kabut lg nk prepare dis patient msuk OT..
tibe2..mse nk transfer die ke another katil..
dat mama collapse..
cuak..semua cuak..cpt2 angkt mama tue..
we afraid if she had shock..because of bloos loss after delivery..
if very severe mother can.....hmm...
cepat angkt die naek ats katil n put all branula..
n tranfuse normal saline..n measure blood pressure..
n make sure mama always concious..
fuhh..naseb die n cpt2 bwk msuk OT<operation theater>
at the same tyme..back to anothr room yg ade baby td tue..
doctor try intubate her..n bagging wif oxygen..she still xok jgk..
then suddenly doctor find out her baby heart was direct to the right side....
what????dexto cardia???
then they do ultrasound..for a confirmation..seems like it is true
then..tibe2 ade sorg mama admit..
os fully..n she ready to deliver already..
what???sume nurse n doctor sgt busy nie..
n paling menakot kn lagi..mama ni primigravida jgk!!!!
adoii..nk wat cmne nie..i ask myfren to conduct but she said she cant..
then..i decide to conduct it again..
ok..i do another crazy thing again.. x spe nk conduct baby nie lahir..
then..i prepare the instrument..
n give the mama instruction what she need to do..
then suddenly 1 doctor come n help me..
hmmm~..lega sgt..
tp..mama nie mcm xpndai je nk teran..n her liquor<air ketumban> color mcm dh ade miconium<stool> stain..
hmm..hope dis baby ok la kt dlm tue..takot jgk la baby dis tyme lemas kt dlam tue..
jerit byk kali kt mama tue suruh teran..
mama ajan mama!!ajan!!..perghh..
jantung baby show sekejap slow sekejap laju..
hmm..takot dh nie..
doctor kt sebelah pon dh cuak gk..she also very new here n also in shockafter see her patient collapse just now after retain placenta..
then..after about almost 1hour..
mama tue dpt gk deliver baby die dgn selamt..
hmm..dis tym..i reallycannot prevent her perinuem to tear..
sory xdela besar sgt tear die..
baby pon ok but a bit small la..
at the same yg xnanges2 dr td tu..
doctors dh mcm give up dh..xtaw nk buat ape dh..sume intubation dh bwk kluar dr mulot baby tue..dh mcm nk declare baby to meninggal..
however..1 doctor mcm xpuas ati ag....they do ultrasound again n see baby's heart is still beating..very fast..
then..they trus intubate blik n trus pump her again..
they also pggl juru xray utk buat sudden xray kt baby tue..
i was the same room with the baby n was conducting the delivery for that mother yg dicerita kt ats tue..
xleh n lari kemana dh..terkene skali la xray radiation tue..
perrgghh......daku korban kan diri demi patient..pasrah jelah derrrr.. tgk keadaan baby mcm dh improve ckit n rushing to put her in the incubator..
n bring to NICU for further treatment..
fuhhh..penatnye klu ari2 mcm nie..
takot inila hidup..
ini la hidup yg aku pilh..<spe suruh!!pdn muke aku!!!>
but...puas hatikn klu kte dpt membantu org..
walaupun xbyk at least..dpt jgk menyumbang pada org laen.
n mungkin ini boleh menjadi bekalan utk akhirat kelak..insyaALLAH..
in future..
adila really wanna be a good doctor..
even..certain thing looks impossible to do..
but at least i shud have a try..dun easily giving up
lebih baek least ade effort disitu dr xbuat ape..
n will put all my effort to all things that i will do..
ALLAH sentiase ade bersama dengan adila..
insyaALLAH..adila really can do it!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


7 heaven???
at first ble dgr nme tmpt nie..
mule terfikir..mcm heaven keeeewwww???
tmpt nie seindah or sebest heaven kew?
eh..xtaw la..mne prnh msuk heaven ag..hehe
insyaALLAH..e2 matlamat diakhirat kelak..
upenye..nie tmpt mcm restaurant..
but it served mostly a dessert..
sbb ade byk flavor aiskrim..<nyum2~~.>
n presentation die pon menarik..

hard ice cream-choc flavor

choc n vanilla..yummy~

banana boat-choc,mint n mango flavor

waffle wif strawbery ripple

sebagai peminat n menyukai aiskrim..
sy rse berbahagia disini..haha...


tenung je ye..xsmpi ati nk mkn..hehe

kt sni pon ade jual secret recipe..n look interesting oso...
kdai die pon nmpk santai n cantik

nisa n farah..muke hepy je dpt mkn aiskrim ye..

again..dis will be another memorable moment @sandakan
p/s:just only 2weeks left 4 us to be @sandakan..sedih..nk tinggalkan tmpt nie..